Monday 29 June 2009

6 Steps to the Best Online Psychic Development Program

Finding the right Psychic Development Program can be difficult and costly. Choosing the right program is very important and personal, and can mean the difference between success and failure. I have been teaching psychic development for more years than I care to remember and I really care that people who wish to develop there skills get the best possible information, guidance and support. Because the psychic industry is booming at the moment there are a lot of charlatans out there selling some appalling programs which wouldn't develop anybody.

Using my own experiences and knowing what my students needs are I decided to review the offers online. What a mixed bag I found.
They basically fall into three categories

Psychic Development Courses which take you through the process step by step and provide you with all the tools and resources you need to succeed. They have been written by experienced psychics and mediums, provided easily understandable materials and back office support.

Then there are…….
Psychic Self-help courses-you simply buy a book and you do it yourself. Some do provide some opportunities and links to their sites or to a back office but there are not many. Some of these courses also lack some of the essential’s such as mediation- don’t how you can develop psychic abilities without mediation. If your want mediation you have to buy another course.
And then….
Psychic Development guides-frankly most not worth the paper they are written on. Some one had a good idea started writing an e book but has had no experiences teaching and taking people on a development journey – the maybe experienced psychics -but! Many of these end up as freebies which you can either be obtain through resale sites or as give always on other peoples sites. I’ve bought a few and frankly I haven’t been impressed.

What do you need to look for in a good/excellent psychic development course.

Well there are 6 main things:

1. The person who has written the course should be an experienced psychic, medium or clairvoyant? What you want is to feel confident that they can take you through the journey and understand some of the experiences you have and help you to understand them.

2. You should look for a program which includes meditation and methods which allow you to learn to still the mind and control your thoughts.

3. You should look for a course which is well written and easy to understand. A lot of online courses provide all the theory and a few exercises but really don’t help you to understand and reflect on what you have learnt.
4. Reading through the course description, does it feel right for you? Choosing a development program is like choosing a new car or a house, you might even compare it to a partner for life. When you start the process of working with the spirit you start to develop life long friendship with your spirit friends, so the steps to making these connections should be feeling comfortable to you.

5. Does the development program clearly show you how you can progress through the various steps? Does it do this at your pace and allow you to do the work in your time? It does not matter who you are everyone at some stage goes through a process in spiritual development- missing bits means that you have to revisit it at some later stage.

6. Can you obtain some online support you want to make inner progress & feel the course you have chosen can offer that? When choosing a psychic course it should allow you to open up to your deeper nature. The course you choose should make you feel both apprehensive and excited all at the same time.

I have worked with a few of my students who have ha different experiences of psychic development programs they have found online so I decided to take a look at a few. I only found a couple of psychic development course which fit all of my features and don't leave the student up in the air with nowhere to go.

The first is which provides 3 comprehensive books and CD's taking you through the psychic development process. You can find out more by visiting

The second is the The Spirit Whisperers Psychic Development Program which frankly is one of the best I have come across. It provides 9 books and a 10th with what is called the extra's in it. It is such a comprehensive and well designed program that if you
don't develop psychic abilities, skills and tools I'll be very very surprised. Have a look at the program for yourself at

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